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I've Moved! (お知らせ)


I've moved. My new blog is:



Posted by Shoji at 16:07Comments(0)


Gifts from Friends

Hungarian creator Ac Luik sent me a 3-prim tiny globe. I sat on the roof of my gallery and rezzed it up in the sky. Then it began to glow softly and rotate slowly.

♪ But the fool on the roof sees the sun going down. And the eyes in his head see the world spinning round ♪

ハンガリーのクリエイター、Ac Luikが3プリムの小さな地球を送ってきてくれました。ギャラリーの屋根に座り、頭上にRezすると、それはぼんやりと光り、静かに回りはじめました。


Moreover, Japanese creator Kanon Lockjaw gave me a 19-prim standing clock that is well designed and built. I set it up at the Gallery Insight Virtual College.

Second Life is just for creative souls like you guys! Thanks!

それと、日本のクリエイター、カノンさんが19プリムの置時計をくれました。設計もつくりも秀逸です。これはInsight Virtual Collegeのギャラリーに置かせてもらいました。



Posted by Shoji at 23:52Comments(0)


Delicate Atmosphere

The more I pursue the theme of Second “Street” Life, the more I feel there is a lot out there to capture. In particular, I love the shots of couples creating a delicate atmosphere.


I came up with the following lines:
She: This is amazing!
He: It sure is!

Are they lovers, friends or strangers? Who knows?
恋人、友だち、それとも初対面同士? なんともいえません。

Posted by Shoji at 15:18Comments(3)


Come Join Us!

Come join us and be part of Second “Street” Life – just click the pose balls and take a shot or two. It’s fun!

P.S. Kee renewed the exhibition today.


セカンドストリートライフの一部になってみませんか? ポーズボールをクリックしてスナップでもどうぞ!




Posted by Shoji at 01:34Comments(2)



Thanks to the sponsorship of Meredith Staheli and the mediation of Lattita Capalini, I’m holding another exhibition at the LM gallery with the theme “Silhouettes.” Thanks ladies!

P.S.: Best viewed with the environment set at “Midnight.”


Meredith Staheliの後援、Lattita Capaliniの仲介により、LMギャラリーでもうひとつの写真展が始まりました。テーマは「シルエット」。お二人に感謝!


Posted by Shoji at 22:42Comments(0)


Faschinating Perspectives

What my Koinup buddies abroad read into my pictures is just beyond my imagination. One suggestive comment, for that matter, is worth hundreds of views and favorites. In particular, the following two comments provide me with fascinating perspectives on photography.


This is very, very beautiful! On one side the b/w choice could let us feel a sense of past, a memory; on the other side the running girls and boys give us an unsuspectable and strong touch of life while the action depicted turns it all into a living moment out of time! I love this work! (by LookatmyBack)


I love the whole series but this one is my favorite. I also finally realized why. It's a picture that suggests to me not how the photographer sees the subject but rather that this is how the subject sees himself and the world around him. That's rare. (by lemskall)


Original Shots


Posted by Shoji at 21:38Comments(0)


Great Party!

A bunch of people from around the world showed up at the party celebrating the opening of the Gallery @ Insight Virtual College. Well, I was so glad that many of them agreed to the concept of Second “Street” Life, which makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile (LOL). The exhibition will run until July 4 (Independence Day!), with some of the pictures swapped every week. So, see you at the gallery!


Insight Virtual Collegeのフォトギャラリーのオープンを祝うパーティーに世界中からたくさんの人が駆けつけてくれました。(内輪で盛り上がるパーティーは苦手ですが、こういうのなら大歓迎!)セカンド「ストリート」ライフのコンセプトも概ね支持され、それなりに価値あることをやっているような気分になってきました(笑)。写真展は7月4日(アメリカの独立記念日!)まで。毎週、一部の写真が入れ替わります。できたらギャラリーでお目にかかりましょう!


Posted by Shoji at 18:01Comments(0)


Solitary Traveler

Introduction by Kee Llewellyn

All too often, we experience the streets of Second Life as solitary travelers making them so different from the streets we walk in real life. In his new works, exclusively at the Gallery @ Insight Virtual College, photographer Shoji Kumaki shows us the world of Second Life Paris vibrantly alive with people (most of them himself!). Come meet the artist and experience the world of Second Life as you have never seen it before, this Thursday June 4, 2009 at 7pm SLT.


Kee Llewellynによる紹介文

セカンドライフの街並みを行くとき、私たちは大抵ひとりです。その光景はリアルライフとは大違いですが、今回、Insight Virtual Collegeのために彼が撮り下ろした写真には、人々で生き生きとしたインワールドのパリが写っています(その多くは彼自身!)今まで見たこともないようなセカンドライフの世界を体験してみませんか?

6月4日7:00 pm SLT(日本時間6月5日午前11時)よりオープニングセレモニー。



Posted by Shoji at 00:30Comments(0)


Second "Street" Life Underway!

Kee Llewellyn, instructor at the Photo Institute, gave me the opportunity to hold an exhibition at the Insight Virtual College, an educational institute dedicated to providing in-world instruction on in-world skills and issues. I’m really honored to be featured at the opening of its newly established photo gallery.

Well, I’m just an amateur photographer both in SL and in RL, and artistic and profound pictures, I think, are best left to the professionals. All I want to do is create familiar moments and make otherwise deserted streets in-world look lively. Can you hear the conversation or feel the emotion welling up from my pictures? If yes, then my attempt is a success and this exhibition lives up to its title: "Populous: Second “Street” Life."



Photo Instituteのインストラクター、Kee LlewellynがInsight Virtual Collegeで写真展を開く機会を提供してくれました。Insight Virtual Collegeでは、インワールドで役に立つ知識や技術を習得することができます。今回、そこのフォトギャラリーでこけら落としを務めることになりました。

僕はSLでもRLでも、一介のアマチュアカメラマン。だから、芸術性の高い、深みのある写真はプロの方々にお任せしたいと思います。僕はただ、日常のありふれた瞬間を再現し、ともすれば閑散としがちなインワールドの街並みを活気あるように見せたいだけです。写真から会話が聞こえてきたり、感情らしきものが発散していたら幸い。今回の写真展のタイトル、「Populous: Second “Street” Life」(賑わい:セカンド「ストリート」ライフ)が意図するところはそこにあるわけですから。

Posted by Shoji at 23:02Comments(2)


Me in a Spanish Video

Pris, a mysterious girl from Barcelona, came up with a short video, casting me as...well, I don’t know the role I’m playing in it and, for that matter, the plot itself (LOL) since it’s all in Spanish.



Posted by Shoji at 20:25Comments(2)


Gems of Comments

I’m often impressed by very poetic comments my KOINUP buddies make on my pictures:

“When you take shots of nature, sky and sweet moments, your real art goes out like a river in wintertime.”

I don’t really know what she means by “a river in wintertime,” but it sounds a lot better than “a swamp in summertime.” LOL







Posted by Shoji at 12:16Comments(2)


deja vu

May he rest in peace.

Do you know that there is Sagrada Familia in world? Antoni Gaudi, as in the real world, is resting in the crypt where he worked for the last 16 years of his life. My avatar bowed to his grave as I myself did about 20 years ago. It was back in 1989 when I visited this magnificent church and felt the spirit of Gaudi firsthand. Manipulating the camera, I tried to take pictures from the same position and angle as I did before. It was really a wonderful moment. Hurrah for Second Life!


インワールドにサグラダファミリアがあるのをごぞんじですか? 実世界と同じように、アントニ・ガウディが地下聖堂に眠っています。彼が最後の16年間、仕事場にしていたところです。僕自身が20年ほど前にそうしたように、僕のアバターも彼の墓前で一礼。この荘厳な教会を訪れ、ガウディの息吹を直接感じたのは1989年のことです。カメラを操作し、当時と同じ視点とアングルから写真を撮ってみました。なんだか至福の瞬間。SL万歳!


Posted by Shoji at 18:36Comments(2)


Second 'Street' Life

I’m taking a series of pictures for the upcoming exhibition under the theme “Second ‘Street’ Life,” all in black and white. It’s a lot of fun to make otherwise deserted streets in world look lively, even if it’s a fake. And it’s a lot more fun to create scenarios for those pictures. I’m really hooked on it.



Posted by Shoji at 18:02Comments(2)


Totally Out of Place!

Noth Ackland, one of my best friends in world and the owner of the SIM where I live, visited my exhibition yesterday. To my surprise, he immediately fixed his eyes on the picture I like most. While he looked totally out of place in his trademark stained shirt and pants, I realized again that I share a lot with him. By the way, he’s working on a big plan, gearing up to launch a new brand for his products. I’m thrilled about it.

My Barcelona Memories



写真展「My Barcelona Memories」、開催中。


Posted by Shoji at 20:51Comments(2)


Exhibition Opening Party

We had a nice party celebrating the opening of my exhibition at the SS Galaxy Art Gallery. The music and the performance of “dancers without borders” were great! Thank you all! See you next time in Barcelona SL! (Come get the Barcelona SL Photo Collection for free!)



それにしても、予想以上の反響にモチベーションが上がってきました。とにかく、バルセロナの連中が喜んでくれたことが一番うれしい。Muchas gracias !!


Posted by Shoji at 18:48Comments(4)


My Barcelona Memories

Greetings, everyone!

Pictures I took in SL Barcelona, many of which haven’t been posted on KOINUP yet, are on display at the SS Galaxy Art Gallery. Come have a look!

When taking pictures in world, I like to create stories in my mind, enjoying a wonderful synergy between these two spheres. For that matter, I might be more of a scenario writer than a photographer. Of course it’s up to you what you read into my pictures; I would be glad if some of them could spark your imagination

Barcelona, be it real or virtual, is a place that provides me with a number of materials for vivid stories – which is one of the reasons why I love this port town so much.

Shoji Kumaki








Bon voyage!


Posted by Shoji at 20:55Comments(0)


Time to Take a Break

I’ve uploaded 300 snapshots since I created my account on KOINUP about eight months ago. I think it’s time for me to take a break and see what to do next. Meanwhile, the following three snapshots are the ones I like most, though they are not popular among my KOINUP buddies:) Maybe there’re some clues in these SS as to where I should be heading.

Take care and see you soon!



Children's Game

My Dear Barcelona 16

Feel the Breeze in Verdigris 1


Posted by Shoji at 16:03Comments(4)


Red-light Districts

Not that I frequent such places both in SL and in RL, but red-light districts conjure up a variety of stories that prompt me to take pictures. Wouldn’t it be fun to imagine or eavesdrop on conversations in the street?

Groovin' with street musicians

A whore and a pimp


Well past midnight







Posted by Shoji at 11:59Comments(0)


Pseudo-surrealistic Images

It’s fun to create pseudo-surrealistic images using everyday items like tables and cameras, which could look more surrealistic than imaginary stuffs, depending on how they are featured on them. Here are just a few examples of shams that seemed to give me a clue to what is considered “surrealistic.”




Posted by Shoji at 15:52Comments(2)


Just a Paradise

There is a paradise SIM called “Bonaire,” which is a real island of the Netherlands Antilles off the northeastern coast of Venezuela. This island, home to flamingos in RL, is owned by Dorothy and Steffen, a RL couple in Germany.

Go visit “Café Habana del Mar,” where you can see their RL pictures. Well, they look very dapper in their white shirts.

I designed a poster for “La Habana Beach Club,” another attraction on this island. The salsa music is great and the setting is perfect for rendezvous. What else do you need to spend the best time in SL?







Posted by Shoji at 22:30Comments(0)