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Gifts from Friends

Gifts from Friends

Hungarian creator Ac Luik sent me a 3-prim tiny globe. I sat on the roof of my gallery and rezzed it up in the sky. Then it began to glow softly and rotate slowly.

♪ But the fool on the roof sees the sun going down. And the eyes in his head see the world spinning round ♪

ハンガリーのクリエイター、Ac Luikが3プリムの小さな地球を送ってきてくれました。ギャラリーの屋根に座り、頭上にRezすると、それはぼんやりと光り、静かに回りはじめました。


Gifts from Friends

Moreover, Japanese creator Kanon Lockjaw gave me a 19-prim standing clock that is well designed and built. I set it up at the Gallery Insight Virtual College.

Second Life is just for creative souls like you guys! Thanks!

それと、日本のクリエイター、カノンさんが19プリムの置時計をくれました。設計もつくりも秀逸です。これはInsight Virtual Collegeのギャラリーに置かせてもらいました。


Posted by Shoji at 23:52│Comments(0)