ソラマメブログ › Shoji's Never-ending Wanderlust › 2008年12月


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The Gallery Extended

As I put a second floor on my gallery, it now looks more like a house. Noth, the owner of Verdigris, was a bit amazed at a “kotatsu*,” saying that it’s a bed equipped with a table! True enough.

Kotatsu on the second floor

Why not take a walk in Verdigris and drop in at my gallery?

* A kotatsu is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a tabletop sits. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. They are used almost exclusively in Japan.

A Japanese Irori fireplace

A wonderful view from the balcony


ギャラリーに2階を作ったら、なんだか家のようになりました。コタツを見たノス(Verdigrisのオーナー)がちょっと驚いて一言...これはテーブル付きのベッドだね! なるほど。



Posted by Shoji at 20:52Comments(0)


Vote for Verdigris!

Come visit Verdigirs and vote for this wonderful SIM, where my small but cozy gallery is located. (There is a “b-places” voting box near the landing point; just click “Touch here to vote” on it.)

Click here to see a movie of Verdigris.


(TP先にb-placesの投票箱がありますので、「Touch here to vote」のところをクリックしてください)



Posted by Shoji at 16:32Comments(0)


Tribute to the Gion Project

“Tribute to the Gion Project,” my first photo album in world containing 50 pictures of the “Goodbye, Gion” series is now available for free distribution. Send me an IM and I will ship you a copy right away.


「Goodbye, Gion」シリーズの写真50枚を収めた私のセカンドライフ写真集第一弾、「Tribute to the Gion Project」が出来上がりました。無料で配布しておりますので、ご希望の方はIMでご連絡ください。直ちに発送いたします。


Posted by Shoji at 15:29Comments(10)


Shoji Kumaki Photo Gallery 2

My photo gallery has been relocated to a new SIM called “Verdigris,” as the owner upgraded his Open SIM to a regular one. With much more prims available now, he’s building a souped-up version of Zizania/Manomio, where he first set up the gallery for me.

Verdigris, like its predecessor, shows vivid vignettes of life such as a beggar asking for money and a cart serving hot chili beans – something that you rarely see in other SIMs. It’s a photographer’s paradise, featuring a lot of unique landscapes and subjects.

Noth Ackland, the owner and creator of this landscape gem, is gearing up for something big. I’m thrilled at the thought of seeing the process of his inner space developing into a full-fledged SIM.

Come visit my new gallery anytime, and you will be served with two sunny-side ups and sausages. LOL





この珠玉のSIMのオーナー兼クリエイターであるNoth Acklandは今、なにかすごいことに向けて準備中です。彼の精神世界が本格的なSIMに発展する過程を見ることができるかと思うとゾクゾクします。



Posted by Shoji at 14:54Comments(2)


Desktop Wallpaper

It’s fun to create your own desktop wallpapers in SL, taking into account a variety of factors. Meanwhile, my requirements for desktop wallpapers are:

1. Eye-friendly colors and tones
2. Soothing landscape
3. Good icon visibility
4. Compatibility with multi-displays

Based on these requirements, I’ve come up with several pieces of work.

The full size versions can be downloaded from:




1. 目に優しい色と色調
2. 心休まる風景
3. アイコンの見やすさ
4. マルチディスプレイとの相性




Posted by Shoji at 02:16Comments(4)